5-6 may tarixlərində Ankarada keçiriləcək Beynəlxalq “Living and Deceased Donor Recent Criteria” Simpoziuma Medservis özəl tibb mərkəzindən İsmayılov H.İ. tərəfindən "Retrospective analysis of COVID-19 in kidney transplant recipients in Azerbaijan

5-6 may tarixlərində Ankarada keçiriləcək Beynəlxalq “Living and Deceased Donor Recent Criteria” Simpoziuma Medservis özəl tibb mərkəzindən İsmayılov H.İ. tərəfindən "Retrospective analysis of COVID-19 in kidney transplant recipients in Azerbaijan

5-6 may tarixlərində Ankarada keçiriləcək Beynəlxalq “Living and Deceased Donor Recent Criteria” Simpoziuma Medservis özəl tibb mərkəzindən İsmayılov H.İ. tərəfindən "Retrospective analysis of COVID-19 in kidney transplant recipients in Azerbaijan:

Retrospective Analysis of COVID-19 in Kidney Transplant Recipients in Azerbaijan: Single-Center Experience at "MedService" Private Medical Center


Ismayılov H., Hasanova Z., Babayev F.


Coronavirus, Kidney transplant, Program hemodialysis, COVID-19


Kidney transplant recipients with COVID-19 are at a high risk of developing a critical condition due to long-term immunosuppression and comorbidities.

Since 2000, thousands of patients with chronic and acute renal failure have undergone hemodialysis at the private medical center "Medservice" in Baku, Azerbaijan. Additionally, 460 patients have been under nephrological observation after kidney transplantation. From January 2020 to February 2022, we examined 75 kidney transplant recipients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.


We conducted a retrospective analysis of kidney transplant recipients diagnosed with COVID-19 (PCR with nasal and pharyngeal swabs) who were referred to the private medical center "Medservice" from January 2020 to February 2022.


Among the 75 patients with a PCR-confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19, 44 were males (58.6%), and 31 were females (41.4%). The average age was 46 years, and the average body weight was 70 kilograms. The most common symptoms were fever, cough, shortness of breath, and decreased oxygen saturation. Notably, from July to August 2021, patients experienced gastrointestinal disorders as the main symptom. The symptoms and the course of the disease suggest the presence of the delta strain of SARS-CoV-2, although we did not have appropriate laboratory equipment to confirm the suggestion. Regarding laboratory test results, serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels were elevated in 67 patients (89.3%) and remained normal in only 7 patients (9.3%). Serum D-dimer and ferritin levels were elevated in 61 patients (81.3%). According to TTS (World Association of Transplantologists) and TOND (Turkish Organ Transplant Association) protocols, immunosuppressive treatment was modified in 35 (46.6%) patients: antimetabolite treatment was interrupted, the dose of calcineurin inhibitors was reduced by 50%, or treatment was interrupted and replaced with corticosteroids.


It can be noted that in patients at the private medical center "Medservice" who are recipients of kidney transplants, fever was the most often observed initial symptom, and the abdominal form of coronavirus infection was less common. In most patients, the levels of C-reactive protein, ferritin, and D-dimer exceeded normal values.

The study also showed that the number of deaths has recently decreased as a result of improved Covid control measures—vaccination and treatment protocols.