Calcium test

Calcium test

As we know, calcium is one of the important trace elements for the body. This trace element is carried out by the ionized form of physiological effects (muscle accumulation, hormone secretion, receptor processes, cell division, etc.). Ionized calcium makes up 43-50% of total calcium. Usually, it is advisable to check ionized calcium during the examination, since the level of total calcium can vary depending on the level of albumin in the blood. The amount of ionized calcium is regulated by parathormone, calcitonin and active D3. Proteins, magnesium, and acid-alkaline ratio also affect the level of calcium in the blood. Determination of ionized calcium allows more accurate definition of the state of calcium metabolism. 

Analysis must be checked after 8 hours of fasting.

– Assessment of metabolism
– Hypercalcienemia
– Hypocalcienemia
- Major traumas
– Sepsis, burns
– Pancreatitis
– Multi-organ failure
- Severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys
– Malasorption
- Examination of pregnant women

+994 12 596 6844
+994 12 596 6848
+994 12 596 4339
+994 50 220 5612

J.Mammadgulu-zadeh 3, Baku